

San Jose motel residents move to other housing options

A San Jose program that put homeless people up in motels is ending, and participants aren’t thrilled with their options for where to go next. The city created the Temporary Housing Access Program in summer 2022 to provide rooms to unhoused residents enrolled in its employment program while the city was building emergency temporary housing in the parking lot of...

San Jose officials demand audit of homeless services

Spurred by a state audit that found San Jose spent more than $300 million on homelessness response, two officials want the city to conduct its own audit of how much is being spent on homeless services and programs. Councilmembers Bien Doan and Arjun Batra are hoping the information will give them a clearer picture of...

San Jose commissioners oppose diverting housing funds

San Jose housing commissioners had blistering words for a proposal to divert affordable housing money to shelters and sweeps. The Housing and Community Development Commission on Thursday voted 6-2 to reject two spending proposals that would divert funds meant for permanent affordable housing to clear and temporarily shelter homeless people living along city waterways. Commissioners...

San Jose mulls diverting affordable housing funds — again

San Jose needs millions of dollars it doesn’t have to clear homeless residents from city waterways and place them into temporary shelter. Officials are considering raiding an affordable housing fund to make it happen. The city manager is proposing two options for the 2024-25 budget that would divert monies out of Measure E, an affordable housing fund,...

San Jose homeless housing planned for Sobrato land

A homeless housing project is coming to South San Jose, and city officials want to clear the area of unsheltered encampments before it’s built. The San Jose City Council this month unanimously approved a 10-year lease for $1 annually from prolific philanthropist John A. Sobrato to construct Via del Oro, a 150-bed temporary housing development....

State finds San Jose lacks accountability with homeless spending

San Jose has until September to formulate a succinct plan on how it will address homelessness and begin publicly reporting spending data, according to an audit requested by a local legislator. The California State Auditor has published its findings and recommendations after an audit of the city’s spending and coordination of its homeless support services. Auditors...