A new year brings new state laws, with Gov. Gavin Newsom signing hundreds of bills addressing many of California’s pressing issues. The bills range from cracking down on crime to creating safer spaces in schools for LGBTQ+ students, all of which will affect Silicon Valley. Here’s a list of some laws that take effect in...
How will the 2024 propositions affect Silicon Valley?
This year’s election cycle brought 10 propositions to California voters. Some will either usher in statewide changes or no changes at all. Some residents were shocked by the rejection of Proposition 6, which would have ended forced labor in prisons. Others are celebrating the passage of Proposition 3, which codified the right to same-sex marriage...
San Jose’s new congressman tried to kill story to protect state speaker
In an anxious 30-second voicemail, Sam Liccardo urged a friend to kill a critical article related to California Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas — warning it would “blow up in a really bad way” for himself and San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan. The voicemail from the former San Jose mayor and congressman-elect — left three days...
Patrick Ahrens leads in Assembly District 26 race
In the South Bay’s only competitive Assembly race, Patrick Ahrens is leading over Tara Sreekrishnan to fill the Assembly District 26 seat. As of 5 p.m. Friday, Ahrens, district director for Assemblymember Evan Low, is ahead with roughly 56.8% of the vote, or 58,658 votes. Sreekrishnan, a deputy chief of staff and legislative director for state...
Silicon Valley candidate apologizes for egging car
With one week until the election, a years-old video showing Tara Sreekrishnan egging a Cupertino resident’s car has resurfaced, moving some to raise concerns about her run for state Assembly. Sreekrishnan, a candidate for the contentious Assembly District 26 seat, egged the car of a Cupertino resident who she felt made offensive comments regarding her...
Fact check: Assembly District 26 mailer spews false information
A mailer circulating in Assembly District 26 slams candidate Tara Sreekrishnan for her attendance record on the Cupertino Union School Board — where she has never served. The mailer compares Sreekrishnan, a trustee on the Santa Clara County Board of Education, with her opponent, Foothill-De Anza Community College District Trustee Patrick Ahrens. It claims Sreekrishnan...
Special interests back Silicon Valley candidates for state office
While two local state Assembly candidates are building up their finances, special interests have been pouring money in behind the scenes. Special interest groups have doled out thousands to back Patrick Ahrens, a Foothill-De Anza Community College District trustee, and Santa Clara County Board of Education Trustee Tara Sreekrishnan in their race for state Assembly...
Election 2024: Education trustee could be first Hindu woman in state Assembly
Signs supporting Tara Sreekrishnan lined the lawn beside PepperMint, an Indian restaurant in Sunnyvale. Inside, Sreekrishnan greeted dozens of supporters who helped themselves to a mouthwatering array of noodles, curries and other cuisines. The people who entered came from all different backgrounds and communities. In one corner was a group of Korean Americans showing their...
Election 2024: Assembly District 26 director ready to move up
Patrick Ahrens donned a brown apron embroidered with the words “Baskin Robins” on his birthday. He doled out scoops of ice cream to dozens of supporters and potential voters, flavors ranging from Baseball Nut and Jamoca Almond Fudge to mint chocolate chip. The candidate for the District 26 state Assembly seat said the ice cream...
San Jose leaders push Proposition 36 as critics fight back
A coalition of elected officials that Gov. Gavin Newsom dismissed as “just a couple mayors,” is raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in an effort to reverse lenient rules on retail and drug crimes. San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan announced the “Yes on 36” ballot measure committee with Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and Sacramento...