

Rental listing scams are up in Santa Clara County

Rental listing scams are becoming more elaborate, with local authorities warning residents to take caution. When Shereen Jarrett was searching for an affordable apartment during the months she was  homeless, numerous red flags popped up. After visiting properties, she learned there were no vacancies and the person claiming to be the property owner was an...

Cupertino renters may get a reprieve from losing their homes

Cupertino residents facing displacement because of rising costs and expiring contracts may find a reprieve through new city policy. The Cupertino Housing Commission unanimously recommended implementing anti-displacement policies last month to help residents living in 114 affordable homes where rents will likely skyrocket to market-rate value by 2040. The policies include a push to prioritize...

Santa Clara County still lacks state approval on housing plans

Santa Clara County is nearly two years behind on receiving state approval for its housing plans, allowing developers to push projects forward in unwanted ways. County officials submitted their fourth draft of the housing element on Nov. 1 and expect to hear back from the state Department of Housing and Community Development by Dec. 31. Lacking...