

Silicon Valley transit agency funds community growth near train stations

VTA wants to increase its presence, and ridership numbers, by pumping dollars into community groups near its light rail stations. To kick off the effort, VTA officials have started a transit-oriented community grant giving program to help retain nearby small businesses and uplift residents. The public transit agency has given more than $400,000 to various...

North San Jose development includes affordable housing

A proposed development with hundreds of apartments in North San Jose has housing advocates and nearby residents cautiously optimistic. San Jose-based developer Valley Oak Partners recently submitted a detailed plan to the city planning department for 637 apartments and 100 townhomes that goes beyond the 15% minimum affordable housing requirement. The proposal designates 132 apartments...

Santa Clara County leaders skeptical of Earthquakes deal

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors has stopped short of letting the San Jose Earthquakes build a private soccer complex at the county fairgrounds under the current proposed terms. Some county leaders on Tuesday slammed the Earthquakes’ proposed terms as a “laughable” sweetheart deal that low-balled the public on community benefits — and expressed...