

Popular Cupertino farmers market up for grabs a second time

A popular farmers market in Cupertino is up for grabs in a battle over who can provide the West Valley city fresh tomatoes and strawberries — and it hasn’t been without growing pains. The Foothill-De Anza Community College District has reopened bidding for the Cupertino Farmers Market following community backlash this month after existing operator West Coast Farmers...

Cupertino officials shrink multimillion-dollar shortfall

Cupertino has almost balanced its coffers after facing a looming multimillion-dollar deficit for months, but the city will still have to contend with anticipated revenue drops in future years. The Cupertino City Council unanimously approved the approximately $146.6 million budget for fiscal year 2024-25 Tuesday, leaving the city roughly $200,000 shy of balancing its anticipated $10.1 million...

Cupertino park will boost equity, advocates say

A new Cupertino park and trail expansion 20 years in the making is one step closer to construction, and advocates say it could create more equity across the city. The Cupertino Planning Commission unanimously approved the Lawrence-Mitty Park and Trail project’s conceptual design last week. The roughly 7.8-acre, half-mile project could provide picnic and play...

Cupertino cuts millions in city services

Cupertino officials are about to implement some of the largest cuts to city services residents have ever seen, as the city works to balance its budget in the face of a multimillion-dollar deficit. The Cupertino City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a $9 million reduction in services for fiscal year 2024-25 in an effort to...

Cupertino’s blueprint for housing close to approval

Cupertino is inches away from securing approval of its state-mandated housing plan more than a year past the deadline — and following a legal battle due to its noncompliance. Cupertino’s housing plan has received the state’s stamp of approval on all elements except its rezoning requirements, according to a letter it received Wednesday from the state...

Silicon Valley cities work with transit agency on safer route to school

A partnership between multiple cities and a Silicon Valley transit agency is going to construct a long-needed safer route for students biking and walking to school. The Homestead Safe Routes to School project aims to make traveling to school easier for students attending Cupertino Middle School, Homestead High School and West Valley Elementary School by...

Cupertino is a pickleball desert for players

Cupertino pickleballers are fed up with having to share city courts with tennis players — but a solution might be coming. The Cupertino City Council unanimously approved a plan this month that includes eight pickleball courts in Memorial Park’s conceptual design but there is no clear timeline when they will be available. The proposed courts...

Cupertino hotels face more delays

Cupertino officials had hoped to see revenues funneling in from two hotels — instead they found themselves approving permit extensions. The Cupertino City Council on Wednesday unanimously extended the development timeline for two upscale hotels by three years, due to a dip in tourism, rising building costs and a slow recovery from the pandemic. The...

Cupertino spent affordable housing funds on lawsuit

Cupertino is scrambling to fix what city officials are calling an “accounting error” after discovering more than $100,000 in affordable housing dollars went to pay off fees from a housing lawsuit, drawing backlash from residents in a time of fiscal uncertainty. The city used money from its below-market-rate housing fund to pay for a lawsuit filed last year by...

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