San Jose City Council

San Jose officials not reporting lobbyists meetings

San Jose councilmembers are supposed show who they’re meeting with behind closed doors — but their public calendars lack vital details and skirt the spirit of transparency. San José Spotlight has reported on inadequate lobbyist disclosures for years, but a recent review shows the public is still in the dark due to incomplete and delayed documentation...

Will San Jose council lose its labor majority?

Progressive and labor-friendly politicians have enjoyed a majority on the San Jose City Council for the past two years, but the November elections may flip the balance. Formidable business-backed candidates advanced in every council race during the March 5 primaries, which could spell trouble for the South Bay Labor Council — the main cultivator of...

San Jose leaders want budget to focus on housing, homelessness

San Jose officials have a daunting task of balancing the budget as they attempt to preserve city services with a $52.1 million shortfall. The San Jose City Council unanimously approved Mayor Matt Mahan’s March budget message on Tuesday, but not before numerous councilmembers added their own amendments around housing, homelessness and other city services. Over the next few months, councilmembers,...

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