Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Santa Clara County nurses reach deal on pay, worker safety

Santa Clara County’s public hospital nurses have reached a deal with management after a contentious labor dispute rocked the region’s health system. More than 88% of the Registered Nurses Professional Association’s roughly 4,000 members voted this week to ratify a tentative four-year agreement that will go before the Board of Supervisors on June 4  for...

Silicon Valley deluged by health care workers’ labor fights

A wave of labor disputes is hitting Silicon Valley’s overburdened hospitals as health care workers reach their breaking point with pay and working conditions. Resident physicians working in county hospitals are protesting for higher wages in front of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (VMC) Wednesday at noon amid ongoing contract negotiations. Union officials said the...

Editorial: State should step in to save San Jose trauma center

Four months. That’s all the time Santa Clara County officials have to try and prevent a health care crisis in its public hospital system when Regional Medical Center shuts down its trauma center. By August, the only remaining trauma centers in the county will be at Stanford University Medical Center and Santa Clara Valley Medical...

Santa Clara County nurses threaten a second walkout

Thousands of nurses across Santa Clara County’s strained and overburdened public hospital system may go on strike again — just weeks after taking to the picket line. Contract negotiations between county management and leaders with the Registered Nurses Professional Association have stalled, with a Thursday bargaining session lasting just 17 minutes. A looming $250 million...