I recently participated in two peaceful and inspiring protests close to where I live in downtown San Jose. I was moved by the diversity of the participants, their eloquent and strong demands for change and especially by the voices of our youth. At this point, it’s important we listen to the voices emerging from the...
McCoy: People living with diabetes during COVID-19 need help now
In California, the housing crisis has often made news with skyrocketing rents and affordable housing shortages. Yet, there is something many California residents need for survival, even more than a roof over their heads, that has increased at a rate that far outpaces even our housing market. That necessity is insulin, the price of which...
Raza: #DemocracyNeedsEveryone: We need to free the vote this November
Nearly 50,000 Californians on parole today are ineligible to vote. They pay taxes at the local, state, and federal levels, but are prevented from their fundamental voting rights. Taxation without representation is present yet again; this time, there is no tea party. For those who have served their time to be truly free, it is...
Loving and Mehrens: Sales tax is critical for COVID-19 recovery
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors needs to place a sales tax on the ballot for the November Election. The reasons are straightforward and righteous. COVID-19 demands bold action and investment, at an unprecedented scale. Since the pandemic has begun, our organizations have together served over 21,000 individuals who are suffering tremendous hardship due...
Roberts: In your face: Hate increases homelessness
It is a simple, family-friendly app that keeps me connected to family members, current friends and acquaintances from years past — Facebook connects me to my relational world around me. What’s not to like about clicking the like button? Who doesn’t love to see photos of your friends on vacation, your cousins eating the perfect...
Gonzales: ‘Strong mayor’ strong-arms people into voting on unvetted city constitutional amendments
During an unprecedented global pandemic and civil protests over police brutality and systemic racism, Mayor Sam Liccardo, Vice Mayor Chappie Jones and Councilmembers Lan Diep, Dev Davis, Pam Foley and Johnny Khamis are missing the mark and a genuine opportunity to rebuild trust, and foster collaboration and equity with their constituents. Pursuant to the Code...
Ackemann: Sam Liccardo’s support for Caltrain is lip service
I want people to understand that when San Jose’s Mayor Sam Liccardo writes a Medium post patting himself on the back for “supporting efforts to save Caltrain” he never really did. If he is proposing more of the same kind of “support” for Caltrain he and his fellow Santa Clara County and San Francisco representatives...
Shaw: What it feels like to be a Black man in America
When I was asked to share what I call my Black Lives Matter experience, I was divided within myself. It is difficult to write about an experience in your past when it brings back so many different emotions. Feelings of helplessness, shame, regret, fear and hopelessness. It took me back to a time when I...
Funk: East Side schools committed to equitable access during distance learning
School districts across Santa Clara County are scrambling to put into place plans for opening school for the 2020-21 school year. Each district must apply the guidelines provided by the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and meet the specific guidelines and expectations from the state budget and trailer bills supporting the return to school,...
McEssy: AB 109 is a punishment masked as privilege for nonviolent offenders
In 2011, Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB 109 after the Supreme Court ruled California’s overcrowded prisons violated inmates’ 8th Amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment. It was and has continued to be portrayed to the public as a good thing. A “reward” for nonviolent and non-serious offenders. While the law may allow inmates to...