

San Jose school district unveils plan to hire special education teachers

The number of special education students across the country is rising, but teachers qualified to teach those students aren’t — especially in the South Bay where soaring rents and cost-of-living are squeezing educators out. The National Center for Education Statistics reported that the number of public school students that required special education services rose 14...

Bay Area college students claim suppression by administration

A sign on the Ohlone College campus in Fremont boasts “students first” but the Associated Students at the  community college say the message they’re getting from the school’s administration tells a different story. A high-stakes fight between the college’s student leaders and its top administrators has touched off a debate over student independence and free...

Burnett Middle School to be renamed Ohlone Middle School

After a process that brought together students, teachers and the local community, Burnett Middle School will have a new name: Ohlone Middle School. The school’s outgoing namesake is California’s first governor, Peter Burnett, whose racist policies included the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and attempts to keep black Americans out of California. He also believed...

San Jose: Hundreds rally for charter schools amid scrutiny from Sacramento

With charter schools increasingly under scrutiny in Sacramento, hundreds of charter school families, dressed in purple, orange and green, rallied in downtown San Jose Friday to stand up for their rights. The state Legislature is considering two bills, AB 1505 and AB 1507, which would further regulate charter schools. AB 1505 would repeal provisions allowing the state...

San Jose Unified employees protest staff changes

Clutching signs proclaiming a lack of respect, dozens of San Jose Unified employees chanted, marched and protested the district’s decision to eliminate or reclassify 37 positions. Their chants echoed down Lenzen Avenue, drawing supportive honks from cars passing by as a helicopter whirled overhead. The protest was spurred by upcoming staff cuts and reassignments that...

Here are the finalists for Burnett Middle School’s new name

The list is finally in: A committee narrowed down the finalists for Burnett Middle School’s new name. School administrators received more than five hundred submissions and a committee of students, school staff and community members narrowed it down to these finalists. Voting will open on May 6. In addition to the names, the ballot will...