

Sam Liccardo joins California mayors to support tax break reform to tackle homelessness

Sam Liccardo joins California mayors to support tax break reform to tackle homelessness

Mayor Sam Liccardo is among nine mayors across California’s biggest cities to support proposed legislation that would reduce state tax breaks for homeowners, raising funding to tackle the state’s burgeoning homeless crisis. Assembly Bill 1905, introduced by San Francisco Assemblymember David Chiu, would eliminate the mortgage interest deduction (MID) for taxpayers’ second homes. It would...

How is Silicon Valley helping the homeless amid coronavirus pandemic?

As Santa Clara County undergoes expansive measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, questions remain about how people experiencing homelessness will receive information and resources. With an increasing homeless population totaling more than 9,700 countywide, and close to 8,000 unsheltered per the 2019 homeless census, officials say they’re increasing outreach and resources related to COVID-19...

Comcast to provide tech, training to San Jose tiny homes residents

Days after residents moved into San Jose’s first tiny homes community, Comcast announced it will provide the formerly homeless residents with a first-of-its-kind technology program that includes internet access and digital literacy training. The California-based Comcast team got involved in the city’s tiny homes project, which opened two weeks ago on Mabury Road, after a...

Tiny homes community opens in San Jose

San Jose’s more than 6,000 homeless residents will have more opportunities to get off the streets and find permanent housing with the opening of 40 tiny homes in the northeast corner of the city. The first “bridge housing community” in the city provides a safe and stable place to stay and supportive services while its...

Report: Minorities in Santa Clara County are overrepresented in homeless population

Nearly 61 percent of Santa Clara County’s homeless population is Latino or black, a new report found, a figure that’s dramatically higher than the general population of those minorities in our county. The report, prepared by Destination: Home in partnership with Supporting Partnerships for Anti-Racist Communities Initiative, detailed racial trends in the county’s homeless population....