The Washington Report

The Washington Report

Immigrants in Washington and San Jose await fate amid Supreme Court hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Supreme Court Justices on Tuesday heard oral arguments from lawyers on behalf of government and immigration advocates over the legality of President Donald Trump’s decision to rescind DACA, the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program. Members of the public who wanted to witness the highly-anticipated hearing started forming a line outside the...

San Jose congresswoman proposes farmworker immigration bill

San Jose Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren on Wednesday announced a new bill, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, that would give undocumented workers in the agricultural industry a path to legal status. Farmworkers who could prove they’ve worked in agriculture and will continue to work in agriculture could qualify for permanent legal status. In an exclusive interview...

On Capitol Hill, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo talks PG&E outages, clean air

WASHINGTON, D.C. — San Jose’s Mayor Sam Liccardo and former California Gov. Jerry Brown testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday morning before the judiciary committee’s energy subcommittee. The hearing was called to examine President Donald Trump’s proposal to roll back Obama era regulations to freeze greenhouse gas emissions standards at 2020 levels. But before any of...

House passes San Jose Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren’s election interference bill

Just two weeks after she introduced it, San Jose Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren’s election interference bill passed in the House on Wednesday, the same day lawmakers continued an ongoing discussion about Facebook’s role in elections. A bill introduced by Lofgren, H.R. 4617, would require campaigns to report offers of illicit campaign assistance from foreign entities, create...

Silicon Valley congressmembers return from recess tackling big issues

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Silicon Valley’s congressional leaders returned to Capitol Hill this week after a two-week recess and the local delegation jumped into a number of critical issues, including a push to bolster election security, lower prescription drug prices, reduce access to e-cigarettes and continue waging the war on President Donald Trump. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren a...