

San Jose considers rate hike for garbage service

San Jose considers rate hike for garbage service

San Jose residents may be facing another unexpected consequence of the pandemic: Higher garbage bills. The city is working double time to collect weekly trash, which has only increased since people became more confined to their homes. As a result, residential garbage and recycling rates could increase up to $8.21 per month or $98.52 per...

Santa Clara County set to approve another $100 million for affordable housing

Santa Clara County supervisors have approved spending more than $100 million to build five housing complexes for low-income residents. The funds will come from the Measure A housing bond, passed by a majority of voters in 2016. The bond will eventually raise just under $1 billion for affordable housing projects and incentives across the county....

San Jose activists say politicians wager immigrants’ lives on Biden’s reform agenda

San Jose activists say politicians wager immigrants’ lives on Biden’s reform agenda

President Joe Biden has big plans to overhaul America’s immigration system, specifically undoing some of former President Donald Trump’s most egregious anti-immigrant policies. But local activists say Biden’s reform agenda doesn’t go far enough — or fast enough — and will force immigrants to remain in the shadows in Silicon Valley for years to come....

Could canceled homeless count in Santa Clara County affect funding?

A biennial count of Silicon Valley’s unhoused population —- critical for understanding if the homeless crisis is getting worse — won’t happen this year because of COVID-19. Some advocates worry that could mean a loss in federal funding for homeless services. Santa Clara County’s “Point-in-Time” count, which involves volunteers scouring streets, tents and underpasses to...