Upcoming Events

Past Events

San Jose Candidate Forum

Join us for a candidate forum with panels on state and local races in San Jose. Get to know your...

San Jose Speaks: A conversation with IPA Shivaun Nurre

Join us for our next community conversation as part of our San Jose Speaks series on Wednesday, June 10 at 4 p.m. and hear how the city of San Jose's Independent Police Auditor's office provides oversight and investigates citizen complaints of the SJPD.

In Your Backyard: A forum on lived experiences

We're partnering with Silicon Valley At Home and Second Street Voices for a forum with current and formerly homeless individuals to share their stories and experiences from living on the streets of Silicon Valley. Join us for the virtual panel on Wed. May 27 from 5 - 6:30 p.m., during Affordable Housing Month.

San José Spotlight One-Year Anniversary Celebration

Join San José Spotlight for our one-year celebration. Hear from the founders about our milestones and accomplishments in our first year, a special keynote by Mother Jones publisher Steve Katz and an exclusive announcement about our future.