Join San José Spotlight, in partnership with Silicon Valley At Home, for a forum on Opportunity Housing. Hear from our...
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Understanding Emergency Rent Relief in Santa Clara County
The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted renters and tenants over the last year. Hear from our expert panel of government...
San Jose Speaks: A conversation with Santa Clara County Assessor Larry Stone
San José Spotlight welcomed Santa Clara County Assessor Larry Stone in its latest San Jose Speaks series, which features interactive...
Two-Year Anniversary Celebration
We’re turning two! Join us for our annual birthday celebration and fundraiser. Hear about our accomplishments and what we have...
Surviving COVID-19: What’s Next for Downtown San Jose?
State and county restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have halted downtown development and closed businesses for months. What are...
San Jose Speaks: A conversation with VTA General Manager Nuria Fernandez
Join us for our next Q&A webinar with VTA General Manager Nuria Fernandez, as part of our San Jose Speaks...
First Amendment Under Fire
What has San Jose — its people, elected leaders and civic institutions — learned from a season of protest? How...
San Jose Speaks: A conversation with Dr. Sara Cody
Tune in to an exclusive Q&A webinar with Santa Clara County Public Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody to hear an...