In the Spotlight

Welcome to In the Spotlight.

These stories spotlight the people who make San Jose a remarkable place to call home. From unsung heroes to community leaders, we catch up with San Joseans who are doing amazing things — and we share the awe-inspiring stories behind their struggles and successes.

We are telling the unique, ever-changing, diverse story of San Jose. One person at a time.

Who should we feature next? To nominate someone for our next In the Spotlight profile, email [email protected].

Bay Area sports exec redefines boys’ club culture

As a child, Zaileen Janmohamed didn’t gravitate toward ballet or gymnastics. What excited her involved kicking, dribbling or spiking a ball. She was passionate about team sports, which taught her far more than the emotions that come from a win or a loss. It taught her life skills that helped build confidence, critical thinking and...

Reggie Roberts: the mail maestro of San Jose City Hall

Every morning for the last quarter of a century, Reggie Roberts ensures Silicon Valley’s most powerful politicos have their mail. Roberts, a city employee, has been delivering letters to offices in San Jose City Hall since its North First Street location decades ago. He’s the one colleagues come to for a little laughter, a warm...