The pandemic has exposed the deep cracks in our society—overcrowded housing, too few good jobs and a lack of quality, affordable childcare—that left our families and neighbors so vulnerable. These cracks are the consequence of decades of policy decisions that put corporate profits before human needs. Now, with San José set to receive $223 million...
Randles, Lee, Reyes & Reese: The educational future of Evergreen Valley College
A lot has changed over the past several years regarding the vacant 27 acres at Evergreen Valley College. The San Jose Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) is hosting a Zoom community meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday and it’s an opportunity for residents to discuss a reset of the SJECCD’s educational policies for the future uses...
Khamis: The missing middle—JPA housing
What if I told you San Jose has the opportunity to preserve and create workforce housing using no new taxes or taxpayer dollars? No, it’s not too good to be true—it’s a relatively new concept that California established to allow for joint powers authorities (JPAs) to raise money from private investors to help finance low...
Leininger and Fiscalini: Caring for the severely mentally ill homeless
The Silicon Valley Ethics Roundtable (SVER) issued an op-ed a year ago urging strong public and private leadership to direct resources to the unique needs of the severely mentally ill homeless. A two-year-old county survey estimates 42% of the homeless population of over 9,000 to have a significant degree of mental illness, with 25% of...
Norris: The intersection of affordable homes and affordable transportation
May is Affordable Housing Month, which means there are many events taking place to help you learn about everything happening in affordable housing—and I encourage you to visit Silicon Valley at Home’s calendar page and attend some. If you’ve lived in the Bay Area longer than an hour, you know the lack of affordable housing...
Waite: Opportunity Housing—an unproven concept
A new phrase has entered the public vernacular: Opportunity Housing. This innocuous-sounding phrase refers to allowing, by right, the construction of multi-unit residences on properties zoned as single-family residential. It would allow property owners to skip what is today a rather lengthy process, requiring public hearings and input from concerned neighbors, when desiring to raze...
Mason and Tuttle: Building back better—a San Jose for all
Libraries, community centers, beautiful parks, traffic lights, safe and clean drinking water… These are some of the public services that make the foundation of a community. It’s many of these essential services that have helped us get through the COVID-19 pandemic, but now they’re at risk. We need a new approach to San Jose’s budget...
Márquez: Thanks but no thanks to the ‘gift’ of light pollution
The “gift” of a 20-stories tall light pollution generator offered to San Jose by the Light Tower Corporation reeks of saviorism. Light Tower Corporation’s mission is to “provide a major enhancement,” be a “catalyst for Silicon Valley culture,” and bring “prestigious allure” to downtown San Jose. At this post-pandemic time, this mission and the selected...
Diridon: Honest, hardworking immigrants needed
“America puts the best of all of the world’s people through a smelter called democracy and the resulting amalgam is stronger than the sum of those individual populations working separately.” That paraphrase of a mid-1800s quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson was simplified to “melting pot,” a prideworthy term that applies to most Americans. The quote...
Op-ed: We must remove officers who have killed or wounded from schools
San Jose has appointed a new head of the police department, Chief Anthony Mata, at a time our city and communities are having a long needed reimagining of what public safety means. This dialogue is about the safety and wellbeing of Black and brown communities who throughout our history have endured the injustice of systemic...