

What you need to know about Measure G and its expansion of San Jose police watchdog’s authority

How certain investigations of police misconduct cases are reviewed in San Jose could change if voters approve a measure in November that expands the authority of the Independent Police Auditor, a civilian police watchdog. In addition, the City Council could change the auditor’s duties without requiring a public vote. Measure G also would change the...

Lawsuits detail claims of civil rights violations by Santa Clara council candidate

During his law enforcement career, Santa Clara City Council candidate Bob O’Keefe became the subject of two lawsuits claiming he violated people’s civil and constitutional rights, according to court documents obtained by San José Spotlight. One man arrested by O’Keefe for allegedly buying jet skis using a false identity was later found factually innocent, which...

Election guide: Voting in Santa Clara County

With Election Day little more than a month away, it’s time to make sure you’re registered to vote, you know what will be on the Nov. 3 ballot and how to cast your ballot. To register, go to www.registertovote.ca.gov. Voters must also re-register to vote if they are changing political parties. All registered voters in...