

Silicon Valley school district changes how its officials are chosen

The Fremont Union High School District will change the way future trustees are elected come November. The district, which enrolls students from Cupertino, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Saratoga and Santa Clara, is switching from at-large elections — where residents can vote for any candidate — to electing area-based board members. This means the school district will split...

Formerly homeless veterans in San Jose live in squalor

For years, homeless veterans housed at an emergency facility in San Jose have lived with bed bugs, black mildew, fire hazards and a lack of warm water — and they’re relying on outdated evacuation plans, disconnected fire sprinklers and unsafe electrical systems. These are the conditions described in a Santa Clara County inspection report for...

Two U.S. Senate candidates stump in San Jose

Two of the three leading Democratic candidates for one of California’s U.S. Senate seats made a campaign stop in San Jose. Congressmembers Barbara Lee and Adam Schiff visited The Villages Golf and Country Club in South San Jose for an event hosted by its Democratic Club. Lee represents District 12, which includes parts of Alameda...

UPDATE: San Jose protesters interrupt Kamala Harris’ reproductive rights talk

Vice President Kamala Harris visited San Jose today, marking the second stop on her nationwide “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour, where she contended with protesters calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. During a talk at the Mexican Heritage Plaza in East San Jose, Harris called for continued action to ensure reproductive freedoms are...

Milpitas to survey residents about extending sales tax

Milpitas is hoping to hold on to a revenue stream dedicated toward city services and keep its budget from falling into the red. The Milpitas City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a resident survey to gauge support for a ballot measure this November that would extend Measure F, a citywide quarter-cent sales tax which sunsets...

Campbell breaks ground on new police station

The Campbell Police Department will soon move out of its small, decades-old location into a new 21st century building. The department on Thursday broke ground on its new 24,000-square-foot operation center, which is set to open in 2025. The building will be funded in part by Measure O, a $50 million general obligation bond passed...

Milpitas city workers threaten to strike

Milpitas employees are preparing for a potential strike after months of failed contract negotiations with the city. Two of the city’s employee unions — Pro-Tech and the Milpitas Employees Association (MEA), representing about 146 workers across multiple departments — have been negotiating a new contract since last April.  The previous contract expired on July 1, 2023....

Former Silicon Valley pastor faces investigation for abuse

A prominent Silicon Valley leader and former pastor is under investigation after numerous families accused him of abusing their kids when he led a youth ministry at a popular South Bay church. Brett Bymaster is facing a second investigation in three years after five families at The River Church Community say a probe in 2021...