Santa Clara County

Santa Clara County

Meet the man looking to oust Santa Clara County’s district attorney

Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen has coasted to reelection in all of his races. But progressive public defender Sajid Khan—after months of speculation and criticizing Rosen’s approach to prosecution—will be Rosen’s first challenger. Khan, 38, announced Sunday he’s running for district attorney, marking Rosen’s first opponent since elected in 2010. “The time for transformation...

Silicon Valley pedals closer to region’s first bicycle superhighway

Santa Clara County is planning the region’s first bike superhighway—but a route still needs to be selected. “I don’t see a bicycle superhighway going down El Camino,” Erik Lindskog, a member of VTA’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, said at Wednesday’s meeting. “I think a bicycle superhighway needs to be a little more separate from...

Santa Clara County revises total COVID deaths by over 20%

Santa Clara County’s COVID-19 death toll dropped by 22% this month. That’s not a mistake—last Friday, county health officials announced a narrower criteria for deaths attributable to COVID-19, which excluded about 500 fatalities previously attributed to the disease. A similar change took place in neighboring Alameda County last month, when officials updated their COVID-19 death definitions....