

Bonilla: I challenge my Planning Commission rivals to a public discussion

In anticipation of next week’s Planning Commission appointment, SOMOS Mayfair this week released an op-ed seeking an opportunity “to hear directly from the candidates and learn about their qualifications to represent us.” I completely agree with this request and find it to be reasonable for candidates seeking to fill a position of public service. Since...

Portillo: San Jose has a chance to truly promote diversity 

As the daughter of two Mexican immigrants who has lived on the East Side of San Jose my entire life, I grew up with great pride and love for my home. Surrounded by neighbors, classmates and local businesses rich in culture, I’ve always felt privileged to have been raised in such a vibrant and welcoming community. But despite this rich identity and connection to my neighborhood, places...

Carter: The East Side fights back

It was a profound statement about the importance of public art when white supremacists marched on Charlottesville, North Carolina last year in the now-infamous Unite the Right rally. White nationalist groups overran the city of Charlottesville in response to the removal of a statue valorizing the confederate general Robert. E. Lee. Although they were guided...

Gilman: Mayor Liccardo, hold your fire

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo is proposing a city ordinance that would require gun owners to purchase liability insurance or a pay a fee to mitigate the societal costs associated with gun-related violence and accidents. He presented his case in an opinion piece published in The Washington Post last week. The mayor’s proposal is based...

Gerston: Census participation is more important than ever

Beginning next January, the Census Bureau will begin counting the estimated 330 million people living in the United States.  More than just an exercise undertaken by thousands of temporary bean counters, the census is critical to every state for two important reasons. First, the census determines each state’s number of U.S. House of Representatives members....

Mehlinger: Cupertino deserves better

This has been something of a surreal summer for me. Late this June, I saw some comments from Cupertino Commission Chair R. “Ray” Wang about the Vallco redevelopment, calling on his readers to “Save the suburbs from an onslaught of anarchists and YIMBY Neo Liberal fascists.” Now I’m a resident of Sunnyvale, not Cupertino. But...