

Ackemann: Sam Liccardo’s support for Caltrain is lip service

I want people to understand that when San Jose’s Mayor Sam Liccardo writes a Medium post patting himself on the back for “supporting efforts to save Caltrain” he never really did. If he is proposing more of the same kind of “support” for Caltrain he and his fellow Santa Clara County and San Francisco representatives...

Shaw: What it feels like to be a Black man in America

When I was asked to share what I call my Black Lives Matter experience, I was divided within myself. It is difficult to write about an experience in your past when it brings back so many different emotions. Feelings of helplessness, shame, regret, fear and hopelessness. It took me back to a time when I...

Kline: San Jose’s Boring Transit Loop

It is just a day business trip to San Jose, but a good opportunity to check out the new Boring Transit Loop from the airport to downtown. I read it was built in under a year and for $100 million. Sounds like a lot of money, but peanuts for a transportation system. As I exit...

Bramson: Shared equity at home

It’s no secret that homeownership has been a challenge, if not an impossibility, for many poor people for a long time in this valley. From the redlining of the 1930s to the current day attempts of the federal government to dismantle the protections of the Fair Housing Act, we continue to take actions that limit...