Real Estate

Real Estate

San Jose to hold community meeting on Diridon Station development

A study session by the San Jose Planning Commission on the Diridon Station Area Plan this week offered a peek into tonight’s much anticipated public discussion about the high-profile development. Commissioners held a study session Dec. 2 to discuss San Jose’s development plan for the 250-acre area, including Google’s proposed 80-acre campus project. Planning Division...

Santa Clara County moves forward with airport closure, plans to repurpose land

Santa Clara County is moving forward with closing the Reid-Hillview Airport in East San Jose, county lawmakers decided Tuesday after hundreds of pleas from the community to use the land for affordable housing and other community needs. The supervisors voted 4-1 to begin preparing for a potential airport closure and begin the planning process for...

San Jose to study how Google project might benefit residents

The San Jose City Council met on Monday to discuss evolving plans for the massive Google and transit projects set to reinvent the face of downtown. Changes to the area surrounding Diridon Station have triggered community anxieties—and most recently roused the concern of the San Jose Sharks. The hockey team worried the long-term construction could...

New tax data platform fuels Prop. 15 debate in South Bay

Proposition 15, one of the most highly-contested issues on the ballot, has given hope to those who believe it will eventually lead to changes in how residential property taxed. The measure, if approved, would require commercial and industrial properties to be taxed based on their market value rather than the price at which they were purchased....

Neighbors, planners at odds over future of Diridon Station, Google development

Neighborhood leaders argue San Jose planners continue to portray them unfairly as “anti-housing and anti-development” amid Diridon area redevelopment talks, ramping up the potential for conflict with developers down the line. All they want, say members of the Diridon Area Neighborhood Group (DANG), is for the city to pursue smart development and community engagement on...