

San Jose comes under fire for police protest art piece at airport

An art piece at the San Jose International Airport is raising concerns from police advocates who say it depicts violence against officers. San Jose city officials confirmed the artwork has been taken down. “Last night, a temporary art exhibition at the airport ‘Holding the Moment’ was rotated out three days early,” said Carolina Camarena, a...

Grand jury finds Santa Clara County conservators low on morale

Those assigned by the court to manage the affairs of some of Santa Clara County’s most vulnerable are overworked, suffering from low morale and could benefit from better workplace communication, according to a grand jury report. The findings are part of the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury’s review of conservatorships, or guardians appointed by...

San Jose bans natural gas in new commercial buildings

San Jose became the largest city in the country to ban natural gas in commercial buildings, but its plan to keep businesses running during a power outage was criticized by activists and lawmakers. The City Council voted 8-3 on Dec. 1 to approve the ban but in the wake of a public health crisis and...

San Jose mayor apologizes for violating COVID-19 guidelines at Thanksgiving dinner

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo violated state public health regulations by attending a Thanksgiving dinner at his parents’ house alongside four other households. An updated state requirement issued Nov. 13 prohibits Californians from hosting private gatherings with more than three households, although it does not limit the number of people at a private gathering. The...

San Jose moves one step closer to its own Barack Obama Boulevard

After nearly three years of petitioning, San Jose leaders have finally selected a location for Barack Obama Boulevard. In an application filed with the Planning Department, a group of residents and organizers called the Barack Obama Boulevard Committee proposed renaming Bird Avenue, Autumn Street and Montgomery Street between Highway 280 and West Saint John Street...

San Jose to vote on extending natural gas ban

Eyeing an all-electric future, the San Jose City Council will vote Dec. 1 on whether to expand its existing natural gas ban to include new commercial developments. San Jose’s current ordinance, passed by lawmakers last year, bans natural gas in new residential buildings including single-family homes, low-rise apartments and condos — but incoming office and...

San Jose looks at ways to increase housing for middle-income workers

Middle-income wage earners, such as firefighters and teachers who often are left out San Jose’s housing equation, are the focus of a new effort being discussed at City Hall. Councilmember Johnny Khamis said the city becoming a member of the California Community Housing Agency (CalCHA), which issues government purpose bonds to finance affordable housing, might...

A drive-thru Christmas in the Park comes to San Jose

Not even a pandemic, a statewide curfew or a ban on mass outdoor gatherings is stopping San Jose’s decades-old Christmas tradition from fostering the holiday spirit. In the name of safety, Christmas in the Park — an annual outdoor pop-up featuring crowds, food and decorative displays — has been reimagined as a festive drive-thru light...