San Jose

San Jose

Zoe Lofgren pushes bill to clean up Washington corruption

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is trying to do what some might say is impossible: Take money out of politics. On Saturday, the veteran lawmaker met with constituents at a town hall meeting in San Jose to discuss a recently passed bill in the House — a sweeping anti-corruption measure aimed at adopting stronger voting rights, enforcing stricter ethical...

Chelsea Clinton swings through San Jose on book tour

Chelsea Clinton made two stops in San Jose on Wednesday as part of a book tour — but the topic for the outspoken former first daughter wasn’t politics. It was all about animals. Clinton on Wednesday met with elementary school students before headlining a sold-out book signing at the San Jose Woman’s Club in downtown...

San Jose City Manager Dave Sykes releases ‘stable’ budget

Stable but limited. That’s how San Jose City Manager Dave Sykes describes the city’s budget for 2019-2020. Sykes on Tuesday released his proposed operating budget for the next fiscal year, which will be mulled in a series of study sessions and public hearings. Following the lead of Mayor Sam Liccardo’s March budget message, Sykes warns...

San Jose leaders put off Sam Liccardo’s pay proposal

San Jose elected leaders on Wednesday put off a vote on Mayor Sam Liccardo’s request to reject his raise and allocate a portion of the pay bump to two of his social initiatives. The council’s Rules and Open Government Committee — which is chaired by Liccardo — voted unanimously to defer sending the mayor’s proposal...

San Jose leaders outlaw watching street races

Being a spectator at a street race is now a misdemeanor in San Jose – carrying penalties of up to $1,000 and six months in jail. The City Council unanimously voted Tuesday to adopt a law, at the police department’s recommendation, to make it illegal to be a spectator within 200 feet of a street...

Sam Liccardo’s proposal to reject raise heads to lawmakers

San Jose lawmakers on Wednesday will vote on a request from Mayor Sam Liccardo to dock his own raise. The proposal, which has raised concerns with some of Liccardo’s council colleagues, is headed to a council committee which the mayor chairs. If approved by that committee, it will go to the full City Council for...

San Jose to consider a bigger crackdown on street racing

The San Jose Police Department is looking to crackdown on street racing – this time by making it illegal to attend the events. On Tuesday, San Jose councilors are set to amend the city’s law on street racing and sideshows. The practice, which can draw hundreds of people and block off streets in the middle...

San Jose is one of the last cities without a strong mayor

San Jose is a big city anomaly when it comes to the way it is governed. In the 10th largest city in America, it’s the city manager who calls the shots – not the mayor. It’s an issue that politicos have debated for decades over whether San Jose should shift to a strong mayor system...

San Jose council debates downtown design changes to protect birds

The towering buildings that dot San Jose’s skyline could soon take on a different shape – in large part to protect birds. According to The Guardian, up to one billion birds die annually in the United States from running into illuminated skyscrapers or glass buildings akin to a Windex commercial. And San Jose councilors on...