

Amid worry, San Jose Fire Department’s needs prioritized

Amid worry, San Jose Fire Department’s needs prioritized

Measure T, the astounding $650 million bond passed in November, has city officials fervidly making plans to expand Internet access to low-income households, contemplate the future of Coyote Valley and fund sustainable building projects. But firefighters, who have expected a station in Willow Glen for nearly two decades, have yet to get their turn. As the city plans...

State of the County: 2019 is the year of health

The vital need for healthcare dominated this year’s State of the County address with Board of Supervisors President Joe Simitian stressing the need for quality mental health and homelessness services. His address called for creating a better system where the many facets of healthcare — lack of insurance coverage, homelessness, mental illness and texting while driving —...

San Jose council approves safe parking, co-living downtown

San Jose council approves safe parking, co-living downtown

San Jose is taking the bold step of allowing homeless residents to park their vehicles overnight at certain churches, community centers and libraries. City lawmakers on Tuesday voted to expand San Jose’s safe parking beyond a single city-owned lot to allow parking in places of assembly. Last October, the City Council approved a $250,000 pilot program to allow...

Sam Liccardo beefs with NRA over new gun law proposals

Sam Liccardo beefs with NRA over new gun law proposals

Mayor Sam Liccardo caught heat on social media after Dana Loesch, a vocal and controversial spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association, took aim via Twitter at his newly-unveiled gun laws overhaul proposal. “Think of the craziest gun control law out there, and I guarantee you that California lawmakers can come up with something more ridiculous,”...

‘Spotlight Series’ features robust debate over height limits

‘Spotlight Series’ features robust debate over height limits

Above a noisy jazz cafe in a small, packed room, a crowd sat attentively Thursday evening as a panel of experts –an advocate, a policymaker, and an industry professional — spoke on raising building height limits in downtown San Jose. The first-of-its kind educational forum, hosted by San José Spotlight, touched on the hot policy debate dividing...

Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office requesting $8M for overtime

Citing much-needed jail reforms implemented over the past four years, the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office is asking county lawmakers for more than $8 million to cover growing overtime costs. The request, which will be considered at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, would allocate $8.1 million from the Special Programs Labor Reserve. With little discussion, a county supervisors’ committee last week accepted a report from...