The Washington Report

The Washington Report

Silicon Valley congressional delegation votes to impeach president

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Moments before voting to impeach President Donald Trump for the second time, Rep. Zoe Lofgren explained there was no need for a long investigation into whether the president had incited an insurrection. The San Jose Democrat, who spoke Wednesday from the House floor, said the president blatantly motivated right-wing terrorists to attack...

San Jose congressmember recounts terrifying attack on Capitol

WASHINGTON, D.C — Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren first realized lawmakers could be in danger as she watched security at the U.S. Capitol whisk House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to safety on Wednesday afternoon. It was no surprise thousands of Trump supporters had descended on Washington D.C. in the hopes of overturning the presidential election. They had discussed...

Trump supporters hold ‘stop the steal’ protest in San Jose. Unlike the one in D.C., it didn’t turn into a riot.

On the same day supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol to try and block Congress from certifying Joe Biden as his successor, his local fans held their own protest here in San Jose. Close to 80 people, mostly Vietnamese-Americans calling themselves the “Vietnamese Movement for Trump,” organized a rally and marched across...

‘Borderline treasonous’: San Jose leaders react to stunning riots at U.S. Capitol

Silicon Valley leaders from both sides of the aisle reacted with horror Wednesday after thousands pushed past police and stormed the U.S. Capitol in a dangerous attempt to thwart a peaceful transfer of power. One local lawmaker was even in tears, comparing the stunning scene in Washington to the terrorism acts of 9/11. The mob...

San Jose Mayor Liccardo calls for Trump to be ‘tried for sedition’ after rioters storm U.S. Capitol

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo thinks President Donald Trump should be charged and tried for conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government, after his supporters violently confronted Capitol police and forced their way into the U.S. Capitol. The rioters — at Trump’s repeated encouragement, including at a rally earlier on Jan. 6 — were seeking to...

Trump signs COVID-19 stimulus package; South Bay nonprofits weigh-in

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After threatening to blow up a deal that provides relief to struggling Americans, President Donald Trump on Sunday signed a major coronavirus stimulus package along with an annual spending bill. The move avoids a government shutdown before a Monday night deadline. “I applaud President Trump’s decision to get hundreds of billions of...

Congress reaches deal on new COVID-19 relief bill as cases soar

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After months of failed negotiations, Congress reached a deal Sunday on a $900 billion coronavirus relief package. The bill is expected to pass Monday. “At long last, we have the bipartisan breakthrough the country has needed,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on the Senate floor. With the coronavirus pandemic accelerating, Congress...